The Sustainable Peace Project of AC4: The Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity at Columbia University

AC4 at Columbia University recently distributed a five-minute video entitled "What Does it Take to Live in Peace" that introduces the people and thinking behind their "Sustainable Peace Project." 

As described on the Sustainable Peace Website, the Sustainable Peace Project seeks to: 

  • Advance conversations about peace with academic experts, policy makers, and local stakeholders;
  • Bridge the gap between the academic understanding and practical applications of sustainable peace by providing policy-relevant tools; and
  • Advocate for a more comprehensive and fundamental understanding of sustainable peace. 

The AC4 Website has a wealth of resources including a set of "introductory Resources to Dynamical Systems Theory"

And a related set of nine videos entitled "Big Ideas on Complexity Science and Sustainable Peace."

The Sustainable Peace Team invites others to get involved: "The Sustainable Peace Project invites collaboration and conversation in realizing its vision. To this end, we convene project teams from multiple disciplines and institutions and have partnered with allies at field sites. For more information on getting involved, please email Jaclyn Donahue at"