- Massively Parallel Peacebuilding: A Strategy for Building a Democracy That Lives Up to Its Ideals -- A summary of the Burgess's latest thinking about massively parallel peacebuilding and democracy building explaining how it is already taking place on a large scale. -- Dec 02
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of November 26, 2023 -- More important ideas from our colleagues and writers in allied fields. -- Nov 29
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of November 19, 2023 -- More articles from our friends, colleagues and others about hyper-polarization as well as the Israel/Hamas war. -- Nov 19
- The Israel/Hamas War: A Perfect Storm of Complexity and Chaos -- A consideration of the factors that are making the Israel/Hamas war so exceptionally difficult even to talk about (civilly at least) let alone solve. -- Nov 15
- Intersectionality, Israel, and Peacebuilding: How Do They Mix? -- Reflecting on messages from readers about our Israel/Hamas writing and why we see this as differently as we do from many of our colleagues. -- Nov 14
- More On the Israel/Hamas War from Contributors -- New comments from Israeli peacebuilder Julia Chaitin and U.S. psychotherapist Madeline Taylor about the Israel/Hamas war. -- Nov 10
- The Hyper-Polarization Discussion: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going -- A review of what we've focused on and what we've learned since starting this newsletter 20 months ago, and a discussion of where we plan to go in the months ahead. -- Nov 06
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of November 5, 2023 -- Colleague and context articles on U.S. hyperpolarization, Israel/Hamas, and other conflicts from around the world. -- Nov 04
- Colleagues' Thoughts about the Israel/Hamas War - Part 1 -- A compilation of the first comments we have received about our Israel/Hamas war discussion posts. There is much to think snd debate about here! -- Nov 03
- Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty -- Risk and uncertainty are scary, and are often avoided by cognitive traps which pretend we have certainty when we don't. Better to remain flexible, so we can respond effectively as the situation clarifies. -- Oct 31
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of October 29, 2023 -- A mixture of U.S. and Israel colleague and context posts for this week. -- Oct 30
- Julia Chaitin, Israeli Peacebuilder, on the Israeli-Gazan War -- Chilling testimony from an Israeli peace activist living near the Gaza/Israeli border, and her thoughts about ways forward. -- Oct 28
- Daniel Stid Talks about Ways to Strengthen Democracy by Replacing Polarization with Pluralism -- Polarization is afflicting both leaders and followers, and the feedback between the two makes the problem worse. Key to fighting that is reinvigorating the value of political pluralism and openness to divergent views of problems and solutions, starting first at the local and state levels. -- Oct 26
- Special Edition of Colleague and Context Posts: The 2023 Israel-Hamas War -- A special edition of our colleague and context posts, all focused on the Israel/Palestinian war of 2023. -- Oct 24
- Israel, Hamas, Evil, and the Bad-faith Actor Problem -- From a conflict resolution and peacebuilding perspective, reflections on Hamas' horrific attack on Israel and the role that our field has played and could play in shaping this tragedy. -- Oct 22
- Katie Hyten Explains how Essential Partners is Taking Dialogue to Scale -- Essential Partners has figured out both how to scale dialogue at least to the community level, if not beyond, and to make the relationship improvements dialogue engenders sustainable over the long term. -- Oct 17
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of October 15, 2023 -- More interesting links from our colleagues and people allied with and of interest to the conflict and peacebuilding fields. -- Oct 13
- Bad-Faith Actors and the Red/Blue/Gold Divide -- We need to distinguish between good-faith and bad-faith actors, and also between intentional and reluctant bad-faith actors, dealing with each in a different way. -- Oct 09
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of October 8, 2023 -- More interesting and important articles from our colleagues and others in allied fields. -- Oct 08
- Daniel Stid: Citizens’ Assemblies: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (Again) -- Citizens' assemblies are an ancient form of governance, used by the Athenians in the 5th Century B.C., whose time has come again. Daniel Stid reports on their increasing use and benefits around the world, including in the U.S. -- Oct 05
- Fact, Value, Lie, or Uncertainty? How Do We Tell? -- Sorting out "real facts" from "fake facts" gets more difficult all the time. But there are ways to do it. And it matters. Because facts can "bite you," even if you don't believe they are true. -- Oct 02
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of September 17, 2023 -- More insightful articles from colleagues and journalists from around the world. -- Sep 21
- Does the Power-With Approach Include Justice? Comments on Our Power-Over/Power-With Essay -- Colleagues ask power-with and power-over whom, for what purpose, and when? All good questions--and starts of answers. -- Sep 18
- A Further Discussion of Dialogue -- Dialogue has no fixed goal or predetermined agenda. The emphasis is not on resolving disputes, but rather on improving the way in which people with significant differences relate to each other. -- Sep 11
- Colleague and Context Posts for the Week of September 10, 2023 -- More interesting reading from colleagues and others in allied fields on democracy, polarization, and related issues. -- Sep 09